In Go project development, teams need to maintain consistent development versions. How can they quickly install, deploy, and switch Go environments? Here, I recommend a tool called GVM (Go Version Manager). It can conveniently switch and customize Go Path, Go Root, and other parameters. It is a practical tool for installing and managing multiple versions.
GVM, similar to RVM in Ruby (, and jenv in Java ( (domestic), can be used to easily manage Go versions. It has the following main features:
- Manage multiple versions of Go, including installation, uninstallation, and specifying the use of a certain version of Go;
- View all available official Go versions, as well as the locally installed and default versions being used;
- Manage multiple GOPATHs and edit Go environment variables;
- Associate the current directory with GOPATH;
- View file differences under GOROOT.
bash < <(curl -s -S -L
Alternatively, if you are using zsh, simply change bash to zsh.
Using GVM#
You can use gvm to view supported operations:
➜ ~ gvm
Usage: gvm [command]
GVM is the Go Version Manager
version - print the gvm version number
get - gets the latest code (for debugging)
use - select a go version to use (--default to set permanently)
diff - view changes to Go root
help - display this usage text
implode - completely remove gvm
install - install go versions
uninstall - uninstall go versions
cross - install go cross compilers
linkthis - link this directory into GOPATH
list - list installed go versions
listall - list available versions
alias - manage go version aliases
pkgset - manage go packages sets
pkgenv - edit the environment for a package set
Installing Go Versions#
For example, to install go1.13 version:
gvm install go1.13
Viewing Go Versions#
➜ ~ gvm list
gvm gos (installed)
=> system
Switching Go Versions#
gvm use go1.**
Managing Gopath Environment#
GVM provides a simple tool called gvm pkgset to create and use GOPATH environments:
➜ ~ gvm pkgset
= gvm pkgset
GVM pkgset is used to manage various Go packages
== Usage
gvm pkgset Command
== Command
create - create a new package set
delete - delete a package set
use - select where gb and goinstall target and link
empty - remove all code and compiled binaries from package set
list - list installed go packages
To uninstall a installed Go version:
gvm uninstall go1.13
Open Source Code#
GVM is a convenient tool implemented using Shell scripts. As an open-source project, I recommend everyone to give it a Star support.