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Follow|Next Generation Information Browser

Recently, I experienced an efficient privatized information subscription platform and would like to recommend it to everyone. The official description is "Next-gen information browser." It is not just an RSS subscription software because traditional RSS only subscribes to the feed stream information of websites.

Follow is an ecological software that combines with RSSHub and RSS3, thus expanding many subscription sources for users.



Follow not only provides RSS subscriptions; its positioning is more aligned with what is described on the official website as "the next generation of information browsers." Currently, it offers the following features:

  • Articles subscription: leaning towards the traditional RSS subscription model;
  • Social Media: more focused on following authors of interest on subscription apps;
  • Pictures subscription: subscribe to image websites of interest;
  • Videos subscription: subscribe to content creators on platforms like YouTube and BiliBili;
  • Audio subscription: more like a podcast subscription app;
  • Notifications subscription: subscribe to news media information;

For more details, visit the official website:
GitHub link:


In today's information age, the information we receive is pushed point-to-point through big data and algorithms, leading to increasingly singular, passive acceptance of information and a herd mentality, resulting in less critical thinking and more fleeting pleasure.

In 2023, I wrote an article titled “Why I Still Use RSS in 2023”, in which I listed five benefits, which is also why I have been using RSS readers since graduating from university.

In fact, when people casually scroll through short video platforms like Douyin, Kuaishou, Xiaohongshu, or WeChat Video Accounts, they often find themselves wasting anywhere from half an hour to 4-5 hours on these apps. Looking back, what videos were watched and what was learned often amounts to fleeting pleasure, resembling the nature of gaming over the long term.

Personalized information input is the key to rapidly enhancing one's cognition and abilities.

The reason RSS subscriptions have remained relevant for so long is largely due to the ability to follow high-quality content outputs in areas and from authors of personal interest, while also filtering out the overwhelming advertisements that plague users.

Highlight Features#

Currently, Follow has three standout features that have impressed me: AI Summary, Subscription Sharing, and Invitation System.

AI Summary#


With automated settings, articles can be summarized using AI. In scenarios where articles are complex and lengthy, AI summarization can greatly enhance reading efficiency.


Subscription Sharing#

The subscription sharing feature is a unique aspect of Follow. Users can learn what information others who subscribe to the same articles are also following, enriching their own subscription sources.


Invitation System#

I believe the authors of Follow had a mature product promotion strategy when developing this software. In fact, Follow itself is an excellent and highly complete software. However, the implementation of an invitation system allows Follow to maintain a relatively active presence in the internet space, making it easier for the software to gain traction in communities and media.

It must be said that the innovation lies in the authors introducing the design of blockchain tokens into Follow, allowing users to earn $POWER tokens through check-ins. The tokens currently have two uses:

  • Invitations: Generate invitation codes using tokens for sharing, achieving viral spread of the app;
  • Appreciation: Users can tip verified authors with tokens for articles of interest;

I believe that in the future, tokens will have more scenarios and uses within Follow, and the authors have promised future value for the tokens, which is exciting (✧∀✧)


In Conclusion#

Follow is a very successful software. In an era dominated by algorithm recommendations, this RSS software undoubtedly brings new hope and vitality to the RSS community. It is currently in the invitation phase, and with its open-source, simplicity, and RSS3 features, it has already garnered a lot of attention. I hope it performs even better during public testing.

However, in the current internet environment, major companies are doing their best to retain their digital information, opting for private and closed-source strategies. This actually contradicts the original principle of "openness" on the internet, leading to higher costs for accessing information. Additionally, RSS readers are unable to access high-quality articles due to copyright issues.

If you have recommended RSS subscription sources, feel free to share them in the comments. If you find this article helpful, you can follow me, as I will occasionally share some niche but excellent software recommendations, helping us all become stronger together.

Here are my website's subscription source and Follow's subscription list:

Finally, I will randomly select one friend from the comments to give a Follow invitation code. Thank you all for your support!

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.